Thursday, July 29, 2010


Like kamal Pasha of Turkey, Mohammad Ali Ginnah of Pakistan,  Banghabandhu Sheikh Mugibur Rahmam appears as the father of nation of Bangladesh for his outstanding works. He as a magic leader of Bangladesh conqure the hearts of all Bangladeshi. This great man born at Tungipar village in Gopalgong District of Bangladesh in 17March,1920. Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, his father and Ms Sayera Begum is his mother.He  completed secodary education in Gopalgong Mission High School. Completing secondary education, admited into Islamia College at kalkata in India. Obtaing bachelor degree, he admited into the depertment of law of Dhaka University and directly involved in students politics. 

Sheikh Mugib as a historical view.
Bangshabandhu Sheikh Mugibur Rahman was a member of Pakistan Movement.The politics of muslim legue by Shawrawardi stand stood on the demand of autonomus province and bi-nationalism. Pakistan born by the grave yard of bi-nationalism.Those who said that all Muslims of India a nation; they had to abide that they were divided into two nation. Where  
there was a will to form East Pakistan with the province of Bangla and Asam; there only the Bangla Province divided into two parts. When Shawrawardi wanted to break down the second Bangha Banghaw then he had to say that the importance of history, culture and language is more important than the religious difference of Hindu and Muslim. After the establish of Pakistan Ginnah again said that from today Hindu are not hindu
and Muslim are not muslim all are the citizen of Pakistan by politically.
After establishing Pakistan, those who gave up bi-nationalism and toke autonomous province ; they did not go so far. Shawrawoardi came into this blog a long after. Maulana Bhasani and Sheikh Mugib came first in this alliance. The followers of this alliance made a conflict against the questions of state language. It was the opposite road map of autonomous movement. Sheikh Mugib introduced himself as a leader of language in 1948 A.D. and later with Maulana Bhasani made a political party named Awami Muslim Legue. Creating new pakistan, Muslim League did not know anything but power and did not abide by any rules. As a result Muslim league cut into a bad figure in 1954A.D against United Front. Awami League was a great portion of United Front.
In 1955 Awami Muslim league turned into Awami League. The leaders of Muslim league yet then tried to keep the allince thoughts of religious and politics. They are fully commited to make state as the Islamic Republic by any means. In 1956 Pakistan turned into the Republic of Pakistan. Awami League  could not prevent it. Before then, establishing United Front Election made the death of bi-nationalism constitutionally. Sheikh Mujib in the east pakistan and Shawrawardi in the whole Pakistan played a vital role. Abiding by the rule of number-equity principles, made great mistake Shwrawardi. For this; the rights of majority people turned into vain.

Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani uttered Asslamualaykum to Pakistan in Kagmari Summit. But later the way of politics changed from Sheikh Mujib. Maulana Bhasani made his party all over pakistan and said about socialism, emphasis on foreign politics and in the alliance followed Awayeb Khan. Sheikh Mujib establish leadership in province especially east pakistan and said that bi-furcation of east and west pakistan emphasis on majority and autonomous government. Its fruits turned into six alliance movement. As a result Awayeb made Sheikh Mujib  one number priosoner in Agortola Case. Before then almost over the east pakistan declared warrant order against him for giving inviolence speech in the meetting.He was going to jail and free from by bail;it was his day to day scine. Now it is the charge of bi-furcation of east and west pakistan. That was enough. People saw their interest in Sheikh Mujib in East pakistan. eleven alliane movement and six alliance movement said goodby to Awayeb government and Sheikh Mujib became Bangha Bandhu.